Location : 1
Location Name: Hobbledown Heath, Hounslow
Min Price: 185
Max Price: 200
Price: 185
Total Price: 185
Qty: 1
Min Qty: 1
Max Qty: 2

Zoo Keeper for the day

Become a zookeeper for the day at Hobbledown Heath! Join a member of our experienced zoo team in taking care of some of the park's incredible animals - like meerkats, goats, lemurs, highland cattle, and more.

  • Lunch with your zookeeper included
  • All participants will get a free Zookeeper for the Day t-shirt
  • Spectator can attend for an additional £10

No specific activities or animals are guaranteed. These will vary depending on the welfare of the animals. 


Prices from £185.00 per person

Qty (1 to 2)
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