Location : 1
Location Name: Hobbledown Heath, Hounslow
Min Price: 45
Max Price: 45
Price: 45
Total Price: 45
Qty: 1
Min Qty: 1
Max Qty: 10

Hobbledown Junior Adventurer Pass

For the smaller adventurers (over 1.3m tall!)

Upgrade your day out at Hobbledown with a Junior Adventurer Pass! Explore all of Hobbledown Heath's wonders, plus adrenaline-pumping activities at Gripped...

What's included:

  • All-day entry to Hobbledown Heath 
  • 3 Gripped activities: Speed Slides | Power Fan | Net Park

What you need to know:  

  • Please note: the time slot you have booked is for your Gripped Adventure - you can arrive at Hobbledown Heath anytime after opening!
  • Height Requirement: You must be at least 1.3m to use this pass
  • Under 15s will need a supervising adult present for the Speed Slides and Power Fan. This adult does not need their own Gripped ticket, but must have an entry ticket into Hobbledown Heath.
  • If you are over 15 but under 18, you will need to have an adult over 18 present onsite. This adult will need to have a valid ticket to enter Hobbledown Heath
  • The minimum weight for Gripped is 20kg, and the maximum weight is 120kg
  • Guests enjoying the Adventurer pass should allow 3 hours to complete their 3 activities. This will of course vary and will depend on the fitness and skill levels of the participant.

Only £45.00 per person

Qty (1 to 10)